Interactive experiences are the most impactful.

That’s why I want to make games.


Download and play Need For Speed: No Limits here!

View work I’ve done on Need For Speed: No Limits here!

Narratives I’ve done for Need For Speed: No Limits!

I worked as a Game Designer on Need For Speed: No Limits (NFSNL) at EA’s Firemonkeys studio in Melbourne.

Working as a Designer on the Content team for Need For Speed: No Limits (NFSNL), my main role was to create new iterative content for "Limited Time Events" or LTS'. LTS' were the main focus of NFSNL and the core place where we delivered new experiences for our players. Our production cadence was 6 weeks production per Title Update and would contain between 2-3 LTS' events per update. Each LTS would contain a new car that was added to the game and a 7 day set of events with a different amount of races to play each day. As a Designer it was my duty to set up new cars to be ready to use in build, set up gameplay for the races contained in these events, balance the economy, balance the difficulty and create unique narrative stories (3-4K words).


  • Content Iteration and Creation

  • Adding new cars to the build

  • Narrative Design

  • UGR (Underground Rivals), the PvP/Ghost racing element of the game

  • HAL/EAgle Syncs, working with the Localisation team on translations

  • Jira (Task Tracking)

  • Confluence (Documentation)

  • Feature Ideation (Miro Boards)

  • Working with Marketing (What’s New, Walkthrough Decks, Patch Notes)

  • Gameplay Balancing (Event difficulty adjustments, time offsets, etc.)

  • In game economy balancing (working with Product Managers to balance the economy correctly)

  • Adjusting PR values to achieve the right amount of grind races

  • Working with QA to correlate their playthrough data and implement their results

Other games I have worked on

Download and play Absorb here!

Absorb is a third-person action game set in a gothic/abstract world. You take control of Abidaro, a god that has fallen from grace and is being used as a battery to artificially fuel the dying world you inhabit and once ruled over. You will use your ability to absorb and harness powers from the other inhabitants of the world and fight your way through levels, seeking answers as to why you were imprisoned.

Absorb is a game that I worked on in 2020 and was the Producer/Designer in a group of 10 very talented people including myself.

I helped concept the original idea for the game, including the mechanics, settings and themes. I worked on fully fleshing out the GDD and completely concepted the entire story and world building of the game from the ground up myself. I was in charge of task management and scheduling for the whole team, hosting the daily morning stand-up meetings and entering and tracking tasks with HacknPlan. I worked very closely with the Art team to ensure assets were meeting the standard we wanted and matching the style we were going for, while also ensuring things were staying on track and getting completed on time, prioritising anything that was urgent to the team. I concepted and put together the entire first area of the game, from greybox stage all the way to gold. I also concepted the tutorial and the way the game teaches you how to play, trying to make it more organic, blending into the level rather than text just popping up on screen.

Production was over 16 weeks and we all had to work on the game remotely from our homes, which definitely led to some large challenges we had to overcome. Overall the project was very successful and I am proud and happy with what we made.

Other games I have worked on

Download and play Sweet Thieves here!

Sweet Thieves is a 4 player competitive party game where you compete against others to collect or steal as many pancakes as you can before time runs out. I was the Producer and Lead Designer for the game and made it with a team of 11 people.

This game was essentially my baby and I completely concepted the idea for the game, including the main mechanics and theme/setting. After collaboration and iteration with the team, we managed to settle on “less is more” with our mechanics and I made the decision to center all the gameplay around using your tongue. Your tongue is used with the press of one button but it has many different uses. You can use it to traverse the levels, grab pancakes or other players and pull them towards you and even trip players over causing them to drop their pancakes. I am very happy with how I was able to come up with something quite unique and quirky but my fantastic art team was able to really bring that idea to life with some adorable art. It took me such a long time and a lot of trial and error but I eventually was able to create a level for the game that really allowed for the player to make the most use out of the tongue mechanic while still keeping the map symmetrical and balanced, as well as aesthetically pleasing. My co-worker Designer, Patrick Fung, also came up with and created a great level, which allowed us to have more variety, with two different levels to play in, one made by myself and one made by Pat. Our Lead Artist, Kaz Chesna, also ensured that the levels still looked nice but fit into our level design.

Other games I have worked on

 Custom Doom Level - Forbidden Depths

Download the WAD file here on this google drive folder for free here

You just need to download the WAD file and then use either GZDoom or ZDoom to play it, which are all free programs/files.

This is my very first attempt at creating a full length, large original map for Doom 2. This level took me about 4 months of on and off development (around 2-3 hours a day 5 days a week on average). Being pretty new to the Doom mapping scene, this took me quite a while to complete as I was learning everything on the fly. Thanks to a lot of trial & error, experimentation, Youtube videos and help from the friendly ZDoom discord, I was able to create something that I'm actually very proud of. It is quite a hard level and also quite long but I think I was able to create something that could actually belong in a fan-made map pack similar to TNT or Plutonia Experiment. I will admit that this level suffers from that classic "Final Level Syndrome" in the sense that I made a level that would be one of the final levels in the game considering its difficulty and length. Overall though I am quite proud of it, especially considering the entire level was put together on my own.

I am a fully qualified Game Designer and am looking for jobs currently within the industry. One of the main reasons I decided to get into Doom mapping was because my favorite aspect of Game Design is Level Design and I would absolutely love to be a Level Designer in the near future at a studio. I thought this would make a nice portfolio piece.

Please give the level a try and give me feedback, I would love to hear what people think and what I can do to improve and get better, thanks!


You've heard rumors about strange happenings in a nearby ancient forest such as disappearances, ritualistic gatherings and even human sacrifice and cannibalism. Curiosity getting the better of you, you decide to one day venture deep into the forest all alone in order to get some answers and find out if the rumors are true or not for yourself. After hiking for hours deep into the wilderness, you begin to think that it is all just a folk tale made up to scare tourists, when suddenly, you trip down a deep hole and land yourself in what seems to be some ancient tomb or temple. With no visible way out, you decide to bravely venture deeper into this dark place... may god have mercy on your soul.